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Moroccan Beef - Cooking, Coaching & Conversations with Dr Lucy

recipes May 18, 2021

This week on cooking, coaching & conversations, Dr Lucy Burns shows us how to make a simple Moroccan beef dinner.


  • 1kg oyster...
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Low Carb Pulled Beef - Cooking, Coaching & Conversations with Dr Lucy

recipes May 18, 2021

This week on cooking, coaching & conversations, Dr Lucy Burns is showing us how to make pulled beef two ways!



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Chicken, cheese & avocado - Cooking, Coaching & Conversations with Dr Lucy

recipes May 17, 2021

This week on cooking, coaching & conversations, Dr Lucy Burns showed how to create a delicious 10-minute meal - chicken, avocado and cheese.


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Is keto healthy?

As medical doctors who specialise in lifestyle medicine, we have extensive knowledge and experience in helping people restore their health using...

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Insulin and Alzheimers Disease


At Real Life Medicine, we love, love, love talking about insulin. The two things that we love talking about, insulin and how to lower it so you can...

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3 ways to lower insulin

There are 3 ways to lower insulin.

  1. A Low Carb Lifestyle.

Reducing the amount of carbohydrate your pancreas has to process is a wonderful way off...

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How to test your insulin levels


At Real Life Medicine we help everybody, but in particular, our passion is women who have tried everything, who have done every diet known to...

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Unlocking the woodshed and burning your own body fat!

The cause of obesity is multifactorial and still poorly understood. It is not a simple as an excess of calories. It would be so easy if it was.


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3 signs you may be insulin resistant

weight loss Mar 01, 2021

Today I'm talking to you about insulin resistance. It is one of the cornerstones of our practice as weight loss doctors in helping people lose...

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I hope you have a terrible day


This morning my darling said to me, "I hope you have a terrible day." So this is pushback from her. She's 17. She's doing year 12. She's got some...

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