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Low carb chicken stroganoff - Cooking, Coaching & Conversations with Dr Lucy Burns

recipes Dec 15, 2021

Cooking, Coaching & Conversations with Dr Lucy Burns is live on Facebook at 5.30pm Tuesday nights. In this weeks episode, Dr Lucy showed how to...

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Joy and weight loss

Christmas is all about joy.

But pesky old joy doesn't always spontaneously arrive.

We have to cultivate joy.


So what does joy have to do...

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Reframe Failure this Christmas

The silly season is soon upon us. Food and alcohol-filled work Christmas parties, family gatherings, and friend’s barbecues, fill our...

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Cheesy Chicken Balls - Cooking, Coaching & Conversations with Dr Lucy Burns

recipes Dec 01, 2021

Cooking, Coaching & Conversations with Dr Lucy Burns is live on Facebook at 5.30pm Tuesday nights. In this weeks episode, Dr Lucy showed how...

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A Christmas Gift

Christmas time is the giving season. Gifts are in abundance.

We often talk about giving ourselves a Christmas present.

“I’m going to...

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Health is Wealth

Hello lovelies,

Dr Lucy here. Some people might be triggered by this post, so I wanted to give you a little bit of warning. It is not a post...

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Low Carb Tuna Mornay - Cooking, Coaching & Conversations with Dr Lucy Burns

recipes Nov 17, 2021

Cooking, Coaching & Conversations with Dr Lucy Burns is live on Facebook at 5.30pm Tuesday nights. In this weeks episode, Dr Lucy showed how...

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Jimmy Cakes & Kippers - Cooking, Coaching & Conversations with Dr Lucy Burns

recipes Nov 10, 2021

Cooking, Coaching & Conversations with Dr Lucy Burns is live on Facebook at 5.30pm Tuesday nights. In this weeks episode, Dr Lucy showed how...

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Healing polycystic ovarian syndrome

Change is possible!

When we change our behaviours, we can change our actual physical selves.

The food we eat, the thoughts we think, our sleep, and...

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