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Health Food Hoax: The Surprising Pantry Items That Could Be Sabotaging Your Health


Are you aware that some pantry staples you consider healthy may be harming your health? Seed oils, such as canola, soybean, corn, rice bran,...

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Alternate sweeteners and low carb diets - What you need to know

Tempting isn’t it?

Many of us would love to have our low carb cake and eat it too, to be able to enjoy all the sweet foods our brain desires...

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Health is Wealth

Hello lovelies,

Dr Lucy here. Some people might be triggered by this post, so I wanted to give you a little bit of warning. It is not a post...

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The nightmare of HalloweenĀ 

Halloween has slipped into Australian culture in the past 20 years. Every year there is more and more paraphernalia in the shops related to...

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Not all calories are equal

Following on from a previous blog post on how calorie counting forms the backbone of the diet industry, I wanted to talk about the quality of...

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Is Up & Go a healthy breakfast?

Is Sanitarium™ Up & Go™  a healthy brekky? 

Is Up and Go good for kids? 

We get asked this question all-the-time!


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Is Milo Good for Kids?

It grinds our gears when processed foods are dressed up as health foods and marketed to kids. 

Each week, we are going expose one of these and...

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The Dangers of Maltodextrin

This week we are excited to introduce a guest article from Alison at Broth of Life.  Alison is very passionate about consuming bone broth for...

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What to look out for when flavouring your food

Hi Lovely,

Dr Lucy here.

I recently went down the rabbit hole of food labelling. I did a presentation called The Doctor’s Guide to Reading...

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How to manage your eating at Christmas time


Join Dr Lucy Burns for tips on avoiding the Christmas eating madness


Check out our Facebook Page  and YouTube Channel for more...

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