Blog and Recipes
Is Zoe Science Reputable?
I was asked to comment this week in the 12 Week Mind Body Rebalance coaching call on our thoughts on seed oils.
This was following a recently released podcast episode from Zoe Science. In this episode, Prof Sarah Berry claimed “that seed oils are not...
Halloween has slipped into Australian culture in the past 20 years. Every year there is more and more paraphernalia in the shops related to Halloween.
Halloween is a marketing juggernaut.
In 2019 Australians spent $159 million on chocolate and lollies for Halloween
On top of...
So, this blog aims to answer a question we often get asked. Doctor, what about my cholesterol?
Now a disclaimer, this is not individual medical advice. Please discuss anything you hear or read from Real Life Medicine with your treating medical practitioner.
Let’s start with the...
It grinds our gears when processed foods are dressed up as health foods and marketed to kids.
Each week, we are going expose one of these and break down some of the marketing hype.
This week it’s Milo’s turn.
"Since 1934, MILO® has been giving active kids what they...