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Spinach & cheese frittata - Cooking, Coaching & Conversations with Dr Lucy Burns

recipes Jun 15, 2022

Dr Lucy shows you how to make a delicious and super easy spinach and cheese frittata using ingredients you can have on hand at all times. Grated cheese, spinach & veg from the freezer and some eggs and feta cheese from the fridge and you are good to go!


  • butter
  • chopped frozen spinach
  • chopped onions, we use frozen
  • 12 eggs
  • sun-dried tomato, drained
  • Mingle Seasoning 'All Purpose' spice mix
  • salt
  • 200g Danish style feta cheese, cubed
  • 1 cup grated tasty cheese
  • 1 cup grated mozzarella cheese


  1. Heat a large frying pan and add some butter to melt.
  2. Add the onions and spinach and stir to combine. Cover and allow to cook.
  3. Add all the eggs to a bowl and whisk together to break them up. Add some salt, the sun-dried tomatoes and Mingle Seasoning and whisk through.
  4. Once the spinach is cooked, sprinkle in the feta cheese and then pour over the egg mixture.
  5. Add the grated cheeses to the pan and stir to combine.
  6. Turn the heat down to low, cover and cook until the eggs are just cooked.

50% Complete

Two Step

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