Blog and Recipes
At Real Life Medicine, we advocate a Low Carb Real Food Diet. Part of this includes eating healthy, natural (delicious) fats. Not all fats are healthy. In this blog, we discuss how industrial seed oils are neither healthy nor natural.
Seed oils are everywhere! They lurk in virtually...
This week we are excited to introduce a guest article from Alison at Broth of Life. Alison is very passionate about consuming bone broth for good health and produces organic dehydrated bone broth that could not be more convenient or delicious!
Filled with vitamins and minerals as well...
Hi Lovely,
Dr Lucy here.
I recently went down the rabbit hole of food labelling. I did a presentation called The Doctor’s Guide to Reading Nutritional Labels”.
Do you know you what?
It is frightening to see the products out there. Everyday products that we are eating. Products...
Hello, Wonderful Humans
At Real Life Medicine, our mission is to empower you to make the changes necessary for good health so you can live a happy and fulfilled life.
Sounds simple right?
We know, like many things, it’s not that simple.
If it was, you would have already done it,...
It’s Dr Lucy here.
This week, I had the experience of being a patient. It wasn’t that much fun.
I had pain…
I felt vulnerable
I needed an operation…
Don’t get me wrong, I was well-cared for. The procedure was successful and I am on the mend. I am...
Want to lose weight? Find your "why" and find your people, then you will find your way
We all know, health is not something that happens in the doctor’s office three times a year. Health is the result of daily commitment and recommitment to healthy habits.
The thing about habits is, they...
Hello Gorgeous
Welcome to part 3 in our series, “What’s Stopping you Losing Weight”
At Real Life Medicine, our philosophy is that long term weight loss is about addressing the biological causes of weight gain (hormones) and the psychological causes...
We all know what it feels like to be stressed. It sucks! It is that horrid feeling of overwhelm, foreboding, or worry.
It is all too common in our society and it is very harmful to our health!
Did you know, that as well as making us unhappy, tired and overwhelmed, too much...
Hello gorgeous girl.
Join us in a three-part series, we’re calling “What’s stopping you lose weight?”.
There are three main mind blocks that people have around losing weight permanently.
This is part 2.
If you missed part one, head over to...
Take back the power – Focus on Your Circle of Control!
Health is so much more than regular visits with your doctor. Health is a day to day process that requires continual individual commitment.
We are in control of our choices and actions, but not in the control of the choices...
Love your Guts (and they will love you)
Have you ever had ‘butterflies in your stomach’ or experienced a ‘gut feeling’ that was hard to ignore? You gut has a direct line to your brain. It is weird but true, the squishy and squirmy intestinal tract and the...
Join us in a three-part series, we’re calling “What’s stopping you lose weight?”.
There are three main mind blocks that people have around losing weight permanently.
Today, let’s talk about the first one and probably the most common one we see in...