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The importance of sleep for weight loss - Sleep yourself thin!

weight loss Aug 25, 2020

Sleep Yourself  Thin


We need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep per night for our body to thrive. Anything less is sleep deprivation.


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Good Fats Bad Fats


At Real Life Medicine, we advocate a Low Carb Real Food Diet. Part of this includes eating healthy, natural (delicious) fats. Not all fats are...

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The Dangers of Maltodextrin

This week we are excited to introduce a guest article from Alison at Broth of Life.  Alison is very passionate about consuming bone broth for...

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What to look out for when flavouring your food

Hi Lovely,

Dr Lucy here.

I recently went down the rabbit hole of food labelling. I did a presentation called The Doctor’s Guide to Reading...

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Off the wagon?

Hello, Wonderful Humans


At Real Life Medicine, our mission is to empower you to make the changes necessary for good health so you can live a...

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The Value of Health


It’s Dr Lucy here.

This week, I had the experience of being a patient. It wasn’t that much fun. 

I had pain…

I felt...

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Creating healthy new habits can lead to sustainable weight loss

Want to lose weight? Find your "why" and find your people, then you will find your way

We all know, health is not something that happens in the...

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What's stopping you lose weight? Part 3

Hello Gorgeous 


Welcome to part 3 in our series, “What’s Stopping you Losing Weight” 

At Real Life Medicine, our...

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Is Stress Making You Fat? Hereโ€™s How to Fix it in Three Minutes a Day


We all know what it feels like to be stressed.  It sucks! It is that horrid feeling of overwhelm, foreboding, or worry.


It is all too...

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What's stopping you lose weight? Part 2

Hello gorgeous girl.


Join us in a three-part series, we’re calling “What’s stopping you lose weight?”. 


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