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The Link Between Stress and Weight Gain: How to Break the Cycle

mindfulness May 01, 2023

We all know that stress sucks!

It's that horrid feeling of overwhelm, foreboding, or worry. Unfortunately, stress is all too common in our society,...

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Joy and weight loss

Christmas is all about joy.

But pesky old joy doesn't always spontaneously arrive.

We have to cultivate joy.


So what does joy have to do...

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Reframe Failure this Christmas

The silly season is soon upon us. Food and alcohol-filled work Christmas parties, family gatherings, and friend’s barbecues, fill our...

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I hope you have a terrible day


This morning my darling said to me, "I hope you have a terrible day." So this is pushback from her. She's 17. She's doing year 12. She's got some...

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A Christmas Gift

Christmas time is the giving season. Gifts are in abundance. 

We often talk about giving ourselves a Christmas present. 


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Is Stress Making You Fat? Hereโ€™s How to Fix it in Three Minutes a Day


We all know what it feels like to be stressed.  It sucks! It is that horrid feeling of overwhelm, foreboding, or worry.


It is all too...

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