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Permanent Weight Loss Requires More than a Meal Plan

Most of us have all done the yo-yo dieting. You can lose weight and then it comes back. You end right back where you started and have often put on...

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Visualisation, Your Secret Weight Loss Weapon

Visualisation is a kind of mental rehearsal that is often utilised by sportspersons. It is also a powerful technique you can utilise to stay on...

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A Christmas Gift

Christmas time is the giving season. Gifts are in abundance.

We often talk about giving ourselves a Christmas present.

“I’m going to...

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Healing polycystic ovarian syndrome

Change is possible!

When we change our behaviours, we can change our actual physical selves.

The food we eat, the thoughts we think, our sleep, and...

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The nightmare of HalloweenĀ 

Halloween has slipped into Australian culture in the past 20 years. Every year there is more and more paraphernalia in the shops related to...

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Will Vitamins help me lose weight?

nutrition weight loss Oct 13, 2021


We receive lots of emails with this question or ones like it including these

Is there a vitamin to me lose weight faster?

Can supplements...

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How to do low carb properly

Even in low carb world, there is no shortage of dietary options out there. Ketogenic diet, lazy keto, clean keto, dirty keto, low carb, low carb...

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Is fear of failure stopping you losing weight?

Let’s talk mindset. Mindset is not willpower. I know we think it is, but it’s not. When people hear the word mindset, they think, ...

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Is keto healthy?

As medical doctors who specialise in lifestyle medicine, we have extensive knowledge and experience in helping people restore their health using...

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Insulin and Alzheimers Disease


At Real Life Medicine, we love, love, love talking about insulin. The two things that we love talking about, insulin and how to lower it so you can...

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