Hello gorgeous girl.
Join us in a three-part series, we’re calling “What’s stopping you lose weight?”.
There are three main mind blocks that people have around losing weight permanently.
This is part 2.
If you missed part one, head over to our blog here
Remember this series is all about mind blocks or long held beliefs around weight loss
Part 2 is called the “All or Nothing” principle.
So many women come to us and say, “I’m an all or nothing kind of girl”
This is ingrained diet mentality and encourages perfection to achieve your goals. There are phrases bandied around like “breaking your diet” or “having a cheat day”
Many things happen when you describe yourself as an All or Nothing kind of person.
This first thing is that you have already decided in advance, that you’re either perfect or you’re on a bender.
It’s like you have no say in this because your identity is that of an All or Nothing person.
But I’m here to tell you this concept is not part of your genetic makeup.
You don’t have to be an All or Nothing person...
You have control of this and it is a shift in mindset that is imperative to make your weight loss permanent.
And health doesn’t actually work with an All or Nothing principle.
Imagine if your lungs said, “Yep breathing full on today-nothing tomorrow!” 😂
When we have the “All or Nothing” principle, the story in our head goes like this.
“When I go on a diet, that means I’ll never be able to eat chocolate/cake/lollies/chips/pasta ever again. I’m going to the gym every day and I’m not drinking any alcohol”
Wow, that is a tough ask forever right?...
and frankly impossible.
Three things happen with this thought.
One, it stops you making any changes at all because unless its perfect-you’re not doing it. It seems so hard to stop the chocolate/cake/lollies/chips/pasta forever, so you do nothing. We call this term diet paralysis.
The second thing is that when you do eat something off your banned list or you miss a gym session then you’re obviously going on a bender because your personality right? All or nothing.
The third thing is that it brings a sense of failure. The self-talk often goes like this. “I’ve failed again. I can’t do it, It’s too hard. I’m hopeless. I such an idiot. I’m weak. I have no will power.”
We often talk about balance and this is a difficult path to walk if you identify as an All or Nothing person.
Again, this is not your fault. Most people don’t know how to walk this path of balance and honestly, the path is different for each person. You need to know yourself well. Once you learn to trust yourself then walking the path becomes easier and easier...
Like everything though it’s a skill. It needs guidance and practice.
If you’re having trouble walking this path, away from the extremes of all or nothing then we are the guides for you.
We used to be just like you- All or nothing...
YoYo dieters...
In fact, we were expert yoyo dieters!
There is another way though, another path and it brings you long term sustainable weight loss and health...
And it’s all about your mindset.
We are leading our community of wonderful women along the path with our program, “The Seven Steps to REAL Health and Weight Loss”. This is an in-depth, holistic program that runs over 8 modules with evidence-based, trusted advice that we share in our clinics every day. It normally sells for $597.
For a limited number of women, we are offering it for free as part of our membership program. The Real Life Momentum Inner Circle is where the transformations are taking place and we are so proud of our wonderful women. They are kicking goals “for themselves but not by themselves”.
We’d love you to join the inner circle and be part of this incredible community, so you can kick you own goals and reclaim your health forever! Real Life Momentum is valued packed and provides all the tools necessary for you to make your transformation, a reality. For all the details head over here
See you on the inside!
With love and good health,
Lucy and Mary
Dr Lucy Burns and Dr Mary Barson
Real Life Medicine
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