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Episode Forty Two

  • Brain decision-makers - We have two main parts of our brain that are involved in decision making. The prefrontal cortex, which we call the parent brain and the amygdala, which we call the toddler brain.
  • The toddler brain - very reactionary, very loud, emotionally immature, undisciplined, prone to tantrums.
  • The prefrontal cortex - takes information from the amygdala, but also from other factors to make a more educated and balanced decision on how to proceed.
  • When can the toddler brain take over? When you have chronic stress, poor diet, poor sleep, excess sugar consumption.
  • Good decisions can beget good decisions - It is easier for your parent brain to stay in control when you are making good decisions and managing your stress, sleep and eating.
  • 12-week Mind Body Rebalance - https://www.rlmedicine.com/12WMBR
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